Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The thing that catches my eye the most is how much of the actually cover I can see. Comparing it to todays Esquire cover, there definitely seems to be a big difference from cover to cover. This issue's cover only pertains to Nixon while most today seem to be swamped in advertising. As for the importance of the design of the cover. Its pretty funny, but politically it means a great deal more than getting a laugh out of someone. One of the reasons behind Nixon's loss of the 1960s election was due to him not using makeup during a debate with JFK whom used the makeup. Without it, Nixon looked old, haggard and evil while Kennedy looked fresh, youthful and strong.
     Designed by George Lois, this cover shows how design can be used to advise the vast audience of readers on how a presidential run can be successful or broken due to a bit of cosmetic's. The use of an almost solid textured background with the overlay of Nixon with his eyes closed also allows the reader to develop their own interpretation of this design. Quoted by The New York Times, "Lois 1968 cover conveyed a death wish: eyes closed, his face expressionless, Richard Nixon looks as if he were being prepared by a pit crew of morticians for open-casket viewing".  I personally thought they were just trying to make him look pretty, especially with the pink lipstick, my favorite color.


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